Why are 1.1 Billion People Currently Without Safe Water?
Did a water tower explode? No. Water pipes bust? No. Only if they existed!
What if your water was contaminated? Or you had absolutely no access to sanitation? Then, according to the Water Advocates website, you would, in fact, be amongst the 1.1 billion without safe water and the 2.6 billion that lack sanitation. Between 2 and 5 million people are killed annually by unsafe drinking water and inadequate sanitation. Many that die are young children.
Sheltered by the great advances in modern technology, we tend to take for granted the vital necessity of basics such as safe water and sanitation. Sometimes, I believe, we get so caught up in small complications in life and we forget about how we can have such a positive effect upon the lives of so many others. Specifically, by getting involved, we can help improve and possibly even save the lives of millions of vulnerable little ones.
Contaminated water and sanitation hazards are a reality for literally billions of people in the world today. This tragically accounts for astronomically high rates of child mortality. As a new mother, I could never imagine not being able to provide safe water and sanitation for my most precious baby. The problem is too overwhelming to do anything about it alone. There is a place for every single individual to get involved. Find out how you can make a real difference.
The Water Advocates works with the US government, civic organizations, businesses, faith-based organizations and philanthropic foundations to raise US awareness and involvement. Plug into an existing organization that has an active project or start one. For a plethora of resources on water & sanitation, articles, and the impacts of water challenges, click here to go to the Water Advocates resource overview.
Do tell...Have you washed your hands today? How about those teeth? Or indulged in a thirst quenching gulp of clean water?
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