Disciples of Mercy, the real deal.
Everything Green Home has been searching for a charitable cause that truly empowers communities of people and goes to an organization not bogged down with administrative costs and overhead that inevitably strip the charitable giving down to nothing.
Today's post is intended to highlight a wonderful work that I was introduced to at my church family reunion in Minnesota this last June. I was introduced to a organization called Disciples of Mercy. Disciples of Mercy is a ground level organization that tends to the physical and spiritual needs of the poor and destitute people in rural Kenya. There are several reasons why I'm highlighting this program:
1. I have spoken directly with people that have personally visited the DOM facilities that verify this program is exactly what it claims to be: a program that helps the poor and destitute people of rural Kenya.
2. DOM empowers people through practical skill training: they offer youth the opportunity to learn vocational training in carpentry, sewing, computer training and welding. These are valuable skills that will make a long lasting positive impact on the lives of those within this community.
3. DOM Health Care Center offers the very real necessity of Volunteer Counseling & Testing for those in the community who wish to know their HIV status, after which they can make informed decisions for their lives.
4. DOM has taken proactive steps to meet a vital need in their region through an orphan sponsorship program. Over 50% of Kenya's orphan population is in DOM's province, a result of the HIV pandemic. Currently, they have 168 orphans on a sponsorship program that provides medical care, education, clothing and basic shelter as well as supplements food supply where necessary. These orphans are in housed with distant relatives or community members to provide a home-based program.
The orphan sponsorship program gives people the opportunity to make a positive and lasting impact in the lives of real children. To give a monthly donation through AFCM International, a reputable and honest Christian organization (I'm also a member), and receive a US-based non-profit donation receipt for tax purposes click the giving link now. The giving link leads to a secure AFCM page (AFCM stands for Association of Faith Churches and Ministers) and be sure to specify the giving is for Disciples of Mercy(or DOM) sponsorship.
If you'd like to keep up to date on Disciples of Mercy sign up for their bi-monthly newsletter by sending an email: dom@africaonline.co.ke
Highlights on more great programs to follow.
thank you Disciples of Mercy for the use of the above picture.
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