Check out the new banner for Everything Green Home!
This banner will be displayed at our booth at the Organic Planet Festival August 30th. The Organic Planet Festival is Northern California's only organic festival. We are happy to be participants. Check us out. (More details later).
Yes, Grizzly Bears are aggressive animals, not the fuzzy cuddly we give to Baby. Watching the deliberate and graceful movements of one of these animals inspires much respect for their strength and beauty.
But I'm talking about a respectfully distant observation, like the one I just experienced at Yellowstone National Park. We were far enough away, & close enough to our vehicle, to actually see a real life Grizzly. Conservation of these wonderful animals and the land on which they live is vital to experiencing the greatness of America. I am so thankful that I was able to partake in watching a Grizzly Bear dig for grubs and it wasn't through the beloved television set. Our national parks are a treasure, beautiful and awe inspiring. Take a meaningful journey through one of the US National Parks.
I am a devoted mother & wife, and a new eco-entrepreneur. I am empowered by the Word of God and I love life! But I often take myself too seriously...I'm learning to relax more, thanks to my beautiful son who laughs often and has just discovered his toes (he's 4 months old). We also have a pug...she pugs around the house & snores loud enough to wake us up in the night. My newest adventure, besides being a new mother, is I hope to share this adventure, along with other green interests, with readers of this blog.