A little dramatic, I know. Thank you, Tina Keller for the use of the picture.
Okay, so this title sounds like OUCH to me! My son's two front teeth just came in and he's only 4 ½ months old. So far he has not put me through the chomp but I imagine it would be painful if he decided to start biting. How do you stop a little one from biting? Thus far, I noticed he will start to pull or tug if he's done eating and still at the breast. To avoid the teething response of the clamp-down, I remove him from the breast before he tries anything new. Any suggestions from a seasoned mother?
My baby's MD recommends 6 months of alone Breastfeeding before introducing any other foods. But now with the appearance of the teeth, I'm wondering about the 6 months. My ultimate goal is to breastfeed for 1 year. I knew his teeth would arrive eventually, but not so soon. I'm just getting the hang of all this sleep walking, breastfeeding stuff and now potentially hazardous weapons have been added into the equation.
I love breastfeeding. Not only is it an amazing bond between baby and mother, it also gives baby the perfect nutrients needed at each stage in development. It is the most healthy, natural and green way to feed baby. I love it too for more selfish reasons: quick, easy, pre-made, perfect temperature and no clean up. Also, no stinky poops in his cloth diapers! When the other foods are introduced, here come the stinky-stinkies.
If he decides to start biting, I will have to figure out this breast pump contraption and feed him from a BPA-free bottle. Besides, that would make date night with husband a whole lot simpler.
More on the wonderful benefits of breastfeeding later. For now, any Breastfeeding with Teeth stories to share?